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We are looking for bright minds and innovative ideas in (1) mobility, (2) agriculture and (3) urban infrastructure to crack the following questions:
The circle17 Impacthon for "Sustainable Transformation", is the launchpad where ideas for a more sustainable future in business can be tested, challenged and further developed with a great network of public and private partners.
Anyone can be a participant – no matter if you are a student, employee, entrepreneur or experimenter. Different perspectives help to create new ideas!
Sign up at the circle17 website.
What’s in it for you?
What is circle17?
circle17 believes that true "Sustainable Transformation", starts with ourselves, our society and the way we do business.
circle17 is a development program, all set to grow new leaders in sustainability to lead business transformations in Austria. We do this, by connecting young bright minded thinkers with our corporate network, to hack towards more sustainable solutions in doing business together.
The circle17 Project is brought to life via the two Non-Profit organisations AustrianStartups & respACT and funded from the Austrian Development Agency.
Make sure to like our circle17 Facebook page for more information about Circle17, the Impacthon and overall program or visit the circle17 website.
Realized in cooperation between respACT and AustrianStartups, funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Erhalten Sie monatlich Informationen über aktuelle Themen und laufende Aktivitäten. Zusätzlich ist eine Auswahl von Themenschwerpunkten optional möglich. Sie werden jedenfalls zum allgemeinen Newsletter angemeldet.