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Are you a business whose aim is to move the needle, and are you eager to interact with change drivers, who could inspire you along your corporate sustainability journey? Are you a sustainability and social-driven start-up with a market-ready innovation, you would like to showcase to a large audience of corporates and investors? Are you an NGO or a researcher working towards the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Join us at the circle17 ‘matchmaking for a sustainable transformation’, and experience how a unique match-making process between companies and sustainability- and social-driven start-ups could benefit you. Enjoy an inspiring keynote, join a workshop and learn more on what actions you can take to transfer the SDGs into innovative business models and create positive impact.
Sign-up for free and get connected with change drivers in Agriculture, Mobility and Urban Infrastructure:
Start-up Registration (limited spots, please apply before 20.02.)
13:30 Registration
14:00 Welcoming remarks by Markus Raunig (Managing Director AustrianStartups) & Daniela Knieling (Managing Director respACT)
14:15 "Becoming a Positive Impact Company" - Keynote Katrin Muff (Director of the Institute for Business Sustainability)
15:20 Price announcement by OekoBusiness Wien
15:25 Startup Pitches
16:10 Lightning talk by Jasmin Moradzadeh (aws Connect / Industry-Startup.Net, the Startup-Corporate Matchingservice by Austria Wirtschaftsservice )
16:20 Speeddating
16:55 Choose among 3 programme tracks:
18:15 Closing Words with networking & food afterwards
Stay up-to-date on our Social Channel or visit the circle17 website, more information will follow soon.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with Fanny Hofbauer.
Realised in cooperation between respACT and AustrianStartups, funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).
Erhalten Sie monatlich Informationen über aktuelle Themen und laufende Aktivitäten. Zusätzlich ist eine Auswahl von Themenschwerpunkten optional möglich. Sie werden jedenfalls zum allgemeinen Newsletter angemeldet.
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